The Bay City Downtown Management Board is based on State of Michigan Act 120 of 1961. The purpose of the DMB is to create an improved environment for commerce, business and residential development in and near downtown Bay City, while encouraging downtown to become a stronger mixed use urban center offering a variety of retail, service, residential and recreational opportunities. It shall accomplish this by fostering promotion, parking, operation, maintenance, physical improvements and security in Downtown Bay City.
Board Members
- Jeff Hildebrant (Chairperson)
- Magen Samyn (Vice-Chairperson)
- Scott Nemode (Secretary / Treasurer)
- Avram Golden
- Jennifer Stasser
- Kelli Wilson
- Howie Diefenbach
- Sara Dimitroff (City Staff Liason)
- Craig Kokaly (2nd Ward Commissioner)
- Stephen Prince (1st Ward Commissioner)
- Dana Muscott
Ongoing Projects

Sundays in the City is one of Downtown Bay City’s oldest and most beloved events. The DMB coordinates this four weekend long event, along with many other special events and activities. Our goal is to bring more people to this special place, help businesses prosper and in so many ways, create lasting memories for individuals and families alike.

The DMB helps take care of the environment. Placing flower pots around every corner, trash removal and helping keep the overall area clean, regular weed removal, while not all is obvious, these projects can really make a difference in the look and feel of downtown. We also seek out community projects such as the artwork on buildings created by local high school students keeps things interesting.

Marketing and Promotion
A major DMB responsibility is to help get the word out about Downtown Bay City. Through our website, Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter and emails, information is shared. Plus, looking for opportunities such as PBS’s Under The Radar (see image above) helps get out the message of why everyone should visit here. Our best marketing tool is you, so come visit often and let others know what a special place this is.